Tuesday, December 1, 2009


embrace it joyfully
i had made a deal with myself that there would be no christmas music before thanksgiving. basically enjoy one season at a time. so now it's officially the christmas season, - yes, december 1st has arrived so turn up the tunes. ( i can hardly believe it) the weather has been so cooperative (really you should be here) it hardly feels like december. today is the day i crack open the christmas catalogs - ok, you are right i did peek - but i did try to hold off. my motto for the season is going to be... slow down and know when to quit. some of us have trouble setting limits (me) you don't have to do anything. seriously. if you are stressed out at the thought of making dinner or making cookies or ornaments, cards etc... order the stuff. i give you permission ( i am talking to myself here) i have purchased things recently from trader joes and sams club and you know what? the world didn't collapse. no one even blinked. and i got more sleep. and if you don't want to face the mall - order everything on line. there is free shipping everywhere these days. do things that work for you and that make you happy.
(even forgoing celebrations all together if it gets to hectic) whatever you do remember to try and enjoy the moment. cuddle up with a cozy blanket and a cup of cocoa and start checking your lists. remember this month should be magical. today on the first day of december i leave you this awesome little cookie gift your favorite cookies love and kisses and happy holidays. xo

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