Wednesday, April 25, 2012

have you seen this?

it makes me laugh, cry, think and realize how lucky i am to have the friends i have...

love sent, xo

Sunday, April 22, 2012

for my healthy friends... you know who you are...

wild rice and lentil salad

recipe type: Entree Author: Lina Dickinson
Dalai Lina Prep time: 10 mins Cook time: 50 mins Total time: 1 hour Ingredients

◦1/2 cup dry wild rice
◦1/2 cup edamame
◦1/2 cup lentils
◦1/2 cup loosely packed chopped cilantro
◦1/4 cup broken walnuts (or any nuts, really!)


◦1 tablespoon rice vinegar
◦2 tablespoons fresh lime juice (about 1/2 lime)
◦1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger
◦1 tablespoon soy sauce
◦1 tablespoon sesame oil
◦2 tablespoons of another type of oil (i used walnut)
◦1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
◦1/2 teaspoon salt


1.cook the wild rice in 1 1/4 cup of water for time on package (about 50 minutes). drain and cool.

2.boil the lentil for about 20 minutes (you don’t want them too soft and mushy). drain and cool.

3.cook/thaw edamame.

4.whisk dressing ingredients.

5.put rice, lentils, edamame, nuts and cilantro in bowl and toss with dressing. add additional salt or pepper to taste! eat chilled!

Thursday, April 19, 2012


last night on the way back from dinner we saw the most amazing sunset.  the magic hour when the sun settles down in the horizon and the colors are magical.  no matter how many times i see that it never
ceases to amaze me.

 i have been a bit off the grid lately. chalk it up to a combination of family days, holidays, and a few down in the dumps days. we all have them. truthfully, i am mostly enjoying the springtime sunshine.  the past few days  have been awesome. enjoying all the early springtime buds and flowers.  my allergies are killing me tho. but... its a small price to pay...
things that have made me smile lately...  fifty shades... oh my read about it   here

photo inspiration

love sent, xo

Friday, April 13, 2012

friends... do you have friends of the opposite sex??

can friends just be friends?  the answer might usually be no - but not always...

read about it

Saturday, April 7, 2012

easter baskets..

i used the basic rice krispy treat recipe, but instead of rice krispies i used rice noodles
for ingredients you’ll need rice noodles, marshmallows, butter, non-stick spray {for the muffin tin} and jelly beans or chocolate eggs. thats it!


love sent, xo

Sunday, April 1, 2012

have you ever had a friend that can spread like wildflowers through your heart...

today i visited my friend christine in the hospital.   probably one of the bravest people i know.  she is battling the big c.  she has been for a while. she just had yet another surgery.   her attitude?  positive - each and every day.  no matter what life throws at her she comes back swinging. she is my mentor.  she shared words of advice and encouragement and lovingly reminds us of things so easy to forget. like gratitude - gratitude for the simple things.  a nice room, a good cup of coffee, a good book, a loving husband. she is such an amazing person. kind and caring. she thinks about others way before she ever thinks of herself.  its easy to forget she is even sick because she would never discuss the negative. my first reaction when i found out she had to have another surgery was to cry - then to try and accept the situation - maybe stop loving people because it always includes instances of pain.  but i listen to her and i find so much strength. how can you find strength in someone who has so much weighing against her?   but...  she never stops dreaming about the future and what it can hold.  and then she lives her life believing how good she already has it.  how can this be?   its just who she is.  she amazes us every single day.  she makes me laugh every single day.  she has already befriended everyone in the hospital.   we discussed the need for girlfriends and the difference they bring to any ordinary day. i believe we (girlfriends) are part of a universal sisterhood, one with unspoken rules of support and honesty. the greatest friends i've ever made are ones who accept each other and love each other no matter what. she judges no one and accepts everyone.   but, most importantly, allows us to learn enough about each other to accept and love us in return. it's a two-way street.  we have a unique foursome, one that i hope we can hold on to forever.  christine's attitude is simple -  live in the present - launch yourself at every wave, ride it, and find your eternity in each moment.

don't let your struggles define you / we all need a break from our own problems. it's as simple as that. don't let every person in on your trials. don't let every conversation be about the negative. let yourself sit back and breathe every once in a while.  all you have to do is listen to her and you know that her desire to beat this is so much greater than her fear of loss....
at the end of the day, she might be scared and worried. and she probably will be for a long time. but hey - even though she  may not know where or when she  will land, she just takes that leap of faith.  amazing. simply amazing.

i love you christine.

love sent, xo