Tuesday, December 13, 2011

it's christmas time...

give to the ones you love... i have so much left to do.  i feel frozen.  but i am really enjoying every minute.  i am  behind with my shopping.  but... not to worry, it will all get done.  i know it will.  i believe  this
is how i roll.  it's like this every year.  it seems the more i have to do the more i procrastinate.
but...  there are things i need to do.  like go away for the weekend with my bff's.  attend parties
with the people i love, and laugh... and cry.. and breathe in the moment.  i think at this time of year
it's important to focus your attention on all the little things in life that we so often take for granted. 
december is certainly fast paced festivity. but for a minute turn your thoughts and your camera into capturing the moment.  embrace the magic of twinkling lights, morning fog, faces of children, friends that matter, balsam candles, christmas music, you get the picture.  it's a win - win love + love.
life is about the little things right?  life is never black and white. the journey is a checkerboard.   be grateful for the every day togetherness of regular life...

and all of us have someone looking out for us. 

thanks lynne for such a fun, whirlwind trip.  you are the best!!!!
love, xo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

always welcome...always loved..xxoo thank you for taking the time to brighten our holidays. can't wait until next time friend