Wednesday, February 4, 2015

a warm hug..

i could use one right about now.
it really has been a difficult month.  this year has started off
with some difficult days.  i was happy to see january come to an end.
i haven't blogged a lot lately.  a lot of what has been happening in my heart/ mind/spirit has
gone unwritten.  sometimes it's hard to find words. my dear sweet friend i love you.
you know who you are.  i am sending you a warm hug and like the song says shake it off.
i know yesterday didn't quite go as we had planned but that does not stop the battle.
we all like to talk about being brave but being brave is terrifying.
 i don't think we can be brave on our own. together makes us braver.  there are moments
when you know it matters more than anyone can tell from the outside that we all need eachother
and it's ok,  hand in hand we are never alone.  you make my heart expand. your strength is epic.
i don't think you realize all the strength you give to everyone else.
fearless women come from living loved and you are soo loved.  so, so loved.
my table is set, the candles are lit, i am ready and waiting.
there is one thing this month that has reminded me of the one secret to happiness.
be pleased by small things, simple things,  beautiful things.  they are everywhere.
we all start in different places and we all end up in different places
 but when the sun disappears the light remains.

i will always hold on to that thought.....

love you to the moon and back.

love sent, xo


Unknown said...

No words for this one...just love! xoxooxox

Anonymous said...

You made me cry. Sending love to you and your beautiful friend.

Anonymous said...

She has been so brave and so strong. I know she will get over this hurdle too.