yesterday was a day that heaven did some amazing rounding up with hollywood. no matter what your feelings for michael jackson his talent will be sorely missed..... he had an amazing capacity to captivate people in both good and bad ways... a piece of me feels bad for the way it all ended but it may be for the best. his behaviour and oddness probably would have only gotten worse as he aged. he was never allowed a childhood and i think his life was painful. i hope people can remember him for all he gave the world.

and don't forget farrah, she put up such a courageous fight.

now she's a real
1 comment:
i fully agree on both counts. I am sorry for the boy that was, the man that could have been had the child been allowed to grow, but i am always in awe of the talent that drove him. His life as full as it was, was also sad and empty. No child should be denied a childhood and look what sadness came from it, greatness or not. We have to appreciate the gift of music that he shared with us and be thankful for it.
Farrah, i hope is at peace...she made many a boy/man smile..:)and i always loved charlies angels.
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