Saturday, March 24, 2012

i am learning balance...

when you spend lots and lots of years raising kids and pretty much on opposite schedules... then....
they all move out to condos and college etc.   you look at each other saying what now?   i am relearning balance.  balance of my independence and my dependence.  how to share space and time with someone else.  kind of like first grade only instead of milk and cookies there is wine, good meals and vacations....

vacation was a hoot.  so many laughs...

talk about spunk....
talk about relaxing...

and family...

sweetest little girl in this whole world...
and drinks...
and food....
and st. patrick's day...
and lovely ladies who know how to live...
                                           and you gotta go off roading with these two....

                                                          we could hardly keep up....

love sent, xo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pure inspiration xo