i came home thinking how fast my emotional well is draining these days. stars are dancing on the water tonight. after tucking in my thoughts of why you didn't let me know you would be leaving this earth i moved on to remember all the good. running through yesterday i spent a lot of time having an imaginary conversation with you - the conversations we used to have. if you were here you could have told me a story about your lifetime that would add 10 more layers to the huge collection of interesting things you had done.

you were such a noble sensitive soul so kind and accepting of others. i thought about you all day, even as i looked out at the red leaves spreading across the beautiful sky. i believe that those who leave this life go back to heaven. our spirits go back home and we are reunited with people who love us. i dream you are surrounded by angels and i know that the music has improved a million times since you have arrived. i miss you my friend, and i will never forget all the ways you touched my life. peter, you will always remain in my heart.
sleep well.
What a wonderful tribute to a dear friend. It is truely from within the depths of your heart how your friendship meant so much. I am sure that Peter knows how much you care. I hope that others can learn from you that it's the little things,like caring about a friend,that mean much more in life. Memories of those who go before us are what keeps their spirit alive. L.T.
I am so touched and wish I could write something as moving to a friend of mine who left unexpectedly.
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