Tuesday, August 24, 2010

and when the rain beats upon my window pane, i'll think of summer days again and dream of you...

the summer always feels a bit apart from regular life,  somehow this year it seems like that is even more true.  there’s something safe about that knowledge, but also something sorrowful. this special time draws to an end and i feel its closing in on my bones, like the sudden chill in the evenings. i hate that this trip is over.  this summer has been wonderful  in so many ways,  but it has also been a strange and somewhat sad summer, an interval of time suspended between two realities, between the known and the unknown. newness and change hover on the horizon, and as we move towards the end of august the shadows we throw grow even longer. i do hate the preemptive anxiety that robs me of today.  i want to push it away but i have never been good at that.  and i try to remind myself the words of the song i sang to m every night before she went to sleep when she was a little girl. que sera sera - my love. (whatever will be - will be)
love sent,


Moe said...

"We can't change the past-but we can gather up its lessons and move on, stronger and wiser. We can't control the future-but we can send our dreams ahead of us to help prepare the way. We can live each moment, heart and soul, and cherish this day's greatest gift-the gift of now." XO

Anonymous said...

what a perfect description
"an interval of time suspended between two realities, between the known and the unknown. newness and change hover on the horizon," this is a place i have been too