but all I see is hope, optimism and YOU. congratulations on a job well done. we are so proud of you. proud of your perseverance, proud of your work ethic, proud of your dedication. proud of how you fit everything into your life, your schooling, your dedication to your job, your vacation passion, your caring, your kindness, your friends, your family, you have navigated everything successfully. may your future bring you the happiness and the insight your have brought to me. always follow your heart. as abbey denaro (student speaker) said “even on this celebratory day you can't ignore the challenge of rebuilding our economy, she compared the journey the class has taken to the merrimack river she talked about the flow of water past the rocks in it’s path with it’s destination of the open and free atlantic. we now go full steam ahead to that open expanse.” i know you know better than most the path of the merrimack river, the rocks, and the detours it has shown you, the challenges you have had to deal with, the awareness much too young of some of life’s most difficult roads and of how precious and fleeting life can be. but you have taken that knowledge and used it to your betterment. you certainly know how sometimes there really are no answers and sometimes you just have to accept things and move on. this day know that you just might change the world. to the world you might be one person but to one person, you might just be the world. challenge and embrace the unknown, continue to learn. your most important revelations will be when you least expect them - go ahead, be bold, be unafraid, live the life you imagine.
I love you , mom xox