Once upon a time a long, long, time ago… 2 people fell in love and got married. on that beautiful may day many, many, years ago people wished them the best of all worlds.
they started their life together as every married couple does planning for the best. home was set up, a baby was born, then another baby was born, then another home was set up, then 2 more babies were born then another and another. lots of roads were traveled, journeys were taken, detours were felt. there were lots of changes from the original plans. sometimes you just can’t plan for things. with every passing year another anniversary was celebrated, some better than others. truth be told - some years they liked each other, and some years they didn’t, but they always loved each other. the brood of children brought happy times and sad times, trials, and fun times. just about enough equal amounts of each to even things out. the years flew by faster and faster, children were married, moves happened, more babies came along, then the babies had babies. all of a sudden sixty three years had passed - so i guess today we can say that their love has stood the test of time….
63 years together… longer than some lifetimes.
Happy Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad ! i love you .
“And if you live to be a hundred I want to be a hundred
minus one day so I never have to live without you” AA Milne
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