believe in what your heart is saying, hear the melody that's playing. there's no time to waste, there so much to celebrate. believe in what you feel inside, give your dreams the wings to fly. you have everything you need, if you just believe. trains move quickly to their journey's end. destinations...are where we begin again. ships go sailing, far across the sea. trusting starlight, to get where they need to be.
you can hear the song listen here
I heard these lyrics on my ride in to work today and i just thought it's so true if you just believe it will be ok it will. no matter what you might be struggling with at this time you have to believe that it will be okay. it is going to work out. i promise you. many years ago at this exact time of year i was going through a really difficult time and i honestly never thought i would ever be able to move forward and get over some of the pain. i always prayed that i would be strong enough to push myself through the detours in my journey and work it all out. at the time i had two very little people depending on me and there were days i could hardly take care of myself never mind take care of them. people tell you things happen for a reason, god only gives you things he knows you can handle etc. etc. well i am not sure i can go along with all of that but i do know that a positive outlook can go a very, very, long way. don't stop believing..... there will be times on this journey, all you'll see is darkness, but out there somewhere light finds you, if you keep believing .......
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