today was a BIG day. i woke you up this morning for school and asked you if you were ready - ready for another big milestone in your unfolding life? afterall it would be later today that we would find out if you would become a licensed driver. how could it be ? wasn't it just yesterday that i was wheeling you around in a carriage? well it sure seems that way to me. you've been preparing for this over the past few months. you have such confidence, i know your ready. you're doing a great job. it's me ... i'm not ready. i'll never be ready. as lunch ended i felt my nerves unravel and spill out my sides. i called home not knowing it was already over they took you early. you did it !!!!!! congratulations!

i felt so helpless when i watched you drive away. be safe.
congratulations...mic you are awesome! i have tears in my it seems passes so quickly for all of us, happy to see you enjoying the ride..:)..xxoo
Well I wonder how she felt driving the car for the first time alone only listening to the radio instead of her father's instructional voice?
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