i am looking out my window at the snow covered ground -a lone christmas tree lays in front of the house across the street, apparently it's been resurrected due to the heavy winds the past few days. it is still so cold - just a day or so ago i could see some grass peeking out through the snow but that was just a tease, the snow squalls that came through the past few days took care of any grass. but it is new england, and it is february so no surprise here. i do love february despite the lack of sun. it has valentine's day, my birthday, the oscars, the grammys, lots of things happen in february. the weekend is off to a good start yesterday i got a much needed hair cut and last night there was more birthday celebrating. my brother's (older brother's - i had to say that) birthday is 2 days after mine so we have shared many a birthday pizza over the years. I have another brother whose birthday happens to be this month also but he is MUCH younger than me!! Happy Birthday Joe! xo
we toasted our wine glasses in hopes of sharing another year filled with many exciting events that will undoubtedly take place. one exciting event that i can't tell you about yet... see me monday...

this day has already included a couple of hours of reading a book i mentioned in an earlier post "remember the sweet things" it's a journey of a relationship - makes you want to go grab a basket of wine and cheese and jump on a sailboat and sail off into the basking sunshine. oh yes, never mind we don't have a sailboat and it is new england and it is february so i guess i will have to settle on going to the nail salon and having my nails done in the new color that opi promises will take me from this cold february day into a warm spring evening. so off i go in search of this magic color called "sand in my suit" sounds a little uncomfortable to me. looks warm and inviting though.
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Still holding our breath and Monday has come and gone....
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