These are my go to girls…. friends you can count on - we are called "the loser club". now i have to say we got this name from one of our adorable husbands - the name evolved from the fact that we set up times to get together and inevitably some one of us has some divine intervention that takes us away from our
“club” night so we reschedule, and we reschedule, and we.... you get the picture. we are a diverse group in mind and body. one is a model/personal trainer, one is a manager of a catering company, one is a manager at a utility company and then there is me - manager of nothing but my life of which i am not sure i am managing that well… we have marriages of more than a ¼ century, a couple of years, a newlywed… so we have lots to share - we are all over the map. there is always something going on. we chat about births, deaths, marriages, divorces, illnesses, pinky swear stuff (secrets) , we share laughter, tears, frustration, fear, etc. thank goodness for the loser club we are there for each other, even if we cancel more than we get out. being with them is always worth waiting for. i don’t write the dates down in pen but I always write them down.
on a recent get together it was quick glass of wine at miss n’s, then we were on to a jewelry party. first we check out miss n’s house updates, which, by the way are as beautiful as her. she is not only serving wine but she is serving an amazing vegetable lasagna – *this* she tells us is so we don’t eat junk food later at the junk food eating /jewelry party. ms. n as you have probably guessed is the model/personal trainer. then it's on to more chatting, we swoon over her new beautiful can’t say how much pocketbook. we chat about a new so deserving job for someone’s child - you go girl. then talk turns to elderly parents and lots of their recent challenges, next, we learn how to wear a scarf correctly. we cover a lot of subjects. we then head over to the jewelry party. on our way in the manager of the catering company whispers do we have to buy anything? i respond OF COURSE we do. then ….. everyone buys something but me. it might have been the $500 earlier in the day vet bill or the $250 earlier in the day contact lenses purchase for another one of our so deserving children. heading home there is lots more chatting mostly about their new jewelry purchases and the discovery of a recent relative/friend connection among us which has truly amazed us. this is such a small world we say. through the noise of the car radio, endless chatter, heat blasting, i say it sure is a 6 degree world - to which miss utility company manager says it’s NOT 6 degrees out it’s 29 … I think that adorable husband is right…
we ARE the loser club...... but one i wouldn't miss being a part of.
No "loosers" in this group, HOTTIES maybe but no loosers!
Lucky husbands.
Oh I love it, it makes me cry. I love all of us. Dee you are so talented and such a nice person, you make a differance in everyones life! That seems to be the comment of the week! See you on Tuesday night!
I don't like my hair in this picture can we do a retake?
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