so with business the way it is sometimes things have to be done that aren’t so nice.
just before Christmas something not so nice happened to my boss. he was let go. the timing was really poor. i was shocked and saddened, but he, not surprisingly so was calm and professional - he told me that at his level there is always that risk. i tried to understand but it’s not easy. i was sad and still am. he left - and because it was christmas lots of people never even got to say goodbye, good luck etc. so last night we got together and had a small celebration at a local hotel to give the folks that didn’t see him a chance to say thanks for making a difference. he really made a difference for so many of us. it was such a wonderful evening, so many people came, the only people that didn’t make it truly couldn’t. i felt great that he was validated for all that he had done for us. a tough boss for sure but well respected - he had such a big heart and always an open door. an executive vp who would think nothing of having lunch with his troops. last night at our insistence he brought his wife along, i was so glad she came - she got to see how the folks really felt about him, i think he was truly touched and maybe didn’t realize just how much he meant. there is no doubt that he will go on to bigger and better things and we are better for having had him for our mentor for a while. i know he will continue to be someone i will keep in touch with - some people are worth keeping .. .....he is a keeper.

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