over the holiday we had a visit from the sweetest couple ever. this is a kid that grew up hanging around our house with our son. our son and he have been best friends since middle school. there are lots of fun stories, lots of stories we laugh about and i am sure lots of stories that i will someday hear about and gasp at the thought of. (we have already heard a few) now he is meandering down his own path with his ever growing little family and we had the pleasure of their company for a couple of hours over the holiday. i love when they visit - seeing as we don’t have any grandchildren of our own yet we get to enjoy their little boy, there is nothing sweeter than having a little person running around intrigued by even the smallest of things. he is such a sweet kid and they are such awesome parents. they are expecting another little boy in the spring.

our youngest is 16 and is thrilled when someone else takes away her ever smothering parents for a couple of hours. we are flattered that they enjoy coming over to hang out with us. we love having them. they think we offer great tips and advice on parenting, house decorating etc. they think they learn things from us - secretly they don’t know that we learn so much more from them, we are so lucky to have them in our life. they keep us up to date on the goings on in the younger set, what’s hip for babies, the latest fad for new moms, a healthier way to eat etc etc. in return we fix a dinner and get to share the love for a whole night it’s a great trade off. i also love to see how our son interacts with their little boy they think the world of each other. it’s always sad when your kids are growing up and they need you less and less and then you come into this next phase when you see them carving out their own little life and it’s amazing to watch. the secret to happiness is to continually fall in love - babies/kids will do that for you.
Cam in his new dinosaur pj's
our youngest is 16 and is thrilled when someone else takes away her ever smothering parents for a couple of hours. we are flattered that they enjoy coming over to hang out with us. we love having them. they think we offer great tips and advice on parenting, house decorating etc. they think they learn things from us - secretly they don’t know that we learn so much more from them, we are so lucky to have them in our life. they keep us up to date on the goings on in the younger set, what’s hip for babies, the latest fad for new moms, a healthier way to eat etc etc. in return we fix a dinner and get to share the love for a whole night it’s a great trade off. i also love to see how our son interacts with their little boy they think the world of each other. it’s always sad when your kids are growing up and they need you less and less and then you come into this next phase when you see them carving out their own little life and it’s amazing to watch. the secret to happiness is to continually fall in love - babies/kids will do that for you.
Cam in his new dinosaur pj's

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